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Author : Soopaya, R.; Nayamuth, A. R.
Title : Chemical ripening to improve cane quality in drought-stricken areas
Year of publication : 2001
Citation : Soopaya, R.; Nayamuth, A. R.; Chemical ripening to improve cane quality in drought-stricken areas; 2001
Abstract : The prolonged and severe drought of 1998-1999 in Mauritius resulted in physiological immaturity of a significant number of cane fields at harvest. Cane quality in these fields was anticipated to be below milling standards. This was confirmed by samples ta
Location : LIB
Source : Sug. Cane Int. (UK); (July): 9-14
Author : Lau, A. F.; Kong Win Chang, K. T. K. F.; Wong Sak Hoi, L.
Title : Possible areas for increased electricity export in raw cane sugar factories
Year of publication : 2002
Keywords : cane sugar; energy; electricity; electricity export; MAURITIUS;
Citation : Lau, A. F.; Kong Win Chang, K. T. K. F.; Wong Sak Hoi, L.; Possible areas for increased electricity export in raw cane sugar factories; 2002
Abstract : Export of electricity y Mauritian sugar factories to the grid has gradually increased from 15kWh/t cane in 1992 to reach 52 kWh/t cane in 2001. One factory exported 112kWh/t cane with a 80 bar condensing extraction generator set. Should all the factories reach this level of electricity export with this technology, Mauritius has the potential of exporing around 700 GWh of electricity annually to the grid. Various factors, such as bagasse moisture, fibre content, steam characteristics, process steam consumption, electricity needs of the factory, all have an impact on the net electricity export. Actual measurements and derived data are used to identify areas where there is most substantial energy saving thus enabling the maximum export of electricity.
Location : LIB
Source : Zuckerindustrie; 127 (9): 707
Author : Jooria, S.; Wong Sak Hoi, L.; Kong Win Chang, K. T. K. F.
Title : Power consumption of batch v/s continuous centrifugals
Year of publication : 2002
Keywords : cane sugar; energy; electricity; centrifugals; A centrifugals; batch centrifugals; continuous centrifugals; MAURITIUS;
Citation : Jooria, S.; Wong Sak Hoi, L.; Kong Win Chang, K. T. K. F.; Power consumption of batch v/s continuous centrifugals; 2002
Abstract : The power consumption of batch and continuous A-centrifugals was compared. Results showed that the power drawn by continuous machines was low and did not vary appreciably, whereas with batch centrifugals, there were large variations over a centrifuging cycles (respectively between 0.5 and 0.6 compared to 1.2-3.1 kWh/t of massecuite). A batch centrifugal with pole changing circuitry requires higher power/tonne of massecuite compared to a batch machine driven by a variable speed drive, as the latter has greater regenerative capacity which considerably lowers the net energy imported from the grid. The electrical running costs increase progressively for continuous centrifugals, batch machines driven by inverter and batch machines with pole changing units.
Location : LIB
Source : Zuckerindustrie; 127 (9): 708
Author : Ramdoyal, K.; Autrey, L. J. C.
Title : La performance variétale en 2000 et l'homologation d'une nouvelle variété de canne à sucre
Year of publication : 2001
Keywords : sugarcane; varieties; performance; commercial varieties; canesugar; production; variety M 1394/86; variety M1400/86; R 579; variety R 570; variety M 3035/66; variety 1658/78; variety M 695/69; variety M 1176/77; variety M 52/78; variety M 2024/88; variety M 2256/88; variety M 3014/87; variety 1186/86; Mauritius;
Citation : Ramdoyal, K.; Autrey, L. J. C.; La performance variétale en 2000 et l'homologation d'une nouvelle variété de canne à sucre; 2001
Abstract : Sugar production in the year 2000 has been affected to a large extent by the drought conditions which prevailed in 1999 and persisted up to January 2000. The northern and western sectors were particularly affected by the dry conditions. Cane and sugar pr
Location : LIB
Source : Revue agric. sucr. ile Maurice; 80: 3-18
Author : Ramdoyal, K.; Bissessur, D.; Badaloo, G. H.
Title : The agronomic performance of the newly released drought tolerant sugar cane variety M 1186/86
Year of publication : 2001
Keywords : sugarcane; varieties; performance; commercial varieties; drought tolerance; variety 1186/86; Mauritius;
Citation : Ramdoyal, K.; Bissessur, D.; Badaloo, G. H.; The agronomic performance of the newly released drought tolerant sugar cane variety M 1186/86; 2001
Abstract : A new sugar cane variety, M 1186/86, has been released for commercial cultivation in Mauritius in early 2001. It is a high yielding variety with average sucrose content. It is adapted to the humid zone as well as to irrigated and non-irrigated areas of the sub-humid zone, for middle and late harvest. This variety performs well in ratoons and has shown tolerance to drought, particularly during 1999. It is resistant to rust and leaf scald, slightly susceptible to smut and gumming, and highly susceptible to yellow spot.
Location : LIB
Source : Revue agric. sucr. ile Maurice; 80: 19-22
Author : Wong Sak Hoi, L.
Title : A review of the 2000 milling season
Year of publication : 2001
Keywords : sugarcane; canesugar; length of season; Time efficiency; crushing rate; Cane quality; cane preparation; milling; clarification; filtration; evaporation; boiling house; sugar production; sugar quality; energy; Mauritius;
Citation : Wong Sak Hoi, L.; A review of the 2000 milling season; 2001
Abstract : This review covers the performance of the fourteen sugar factories which operated in Mauritius during the 2000 crop season. Length of the season, cane quality, milling and boiling house performance, sugar production, sugar quality, and energy production are examined and compared with values for the 1999 season. All data have been calculated from figures supplied by the sugar factories. The 2000 crushing season was marked by the recovery from a most severe drought in 1999 when cane and sugar production represented only 67.1 per cent and 59.4 percent respectively of 1998 values.
Location : LIB
Source : Revue agric. sucr. ile Maurice; 80: 32-39
Author : McIntyre, G.
Title : The influence of poor, late sugar cane varieties on sugar production
Year of publication : 2001
Keywords : sugarcane; varieties; harvest date; sucrose content; sugar loss; canesugar; production; Mauritius;
Citation : McIntyre, G.; The influence of poor, late sugar cane varieties on sugar production; 2001
Abstract : A survey of cane variety distribution in fields belonging to various categories of producers has revealed that 90 percent of small-growers exploit late high yielding varieties. For medium to large-growers and for sugar estates percentates are 75 per cent to 60 percent, respectively. The result is that 11000 tonnes of sugar are lost in a normal year because of out-or-schedule harvest. In regions receiving 2000 mm of annual rainfall, one early, rich, high yielding variety, M 52/78 is becoming increasing popular whereas in the lower rainfall areas another variety, R 575 is being gradually adopted. Efforts should be made to exploit in equal proportions, early, medium and late maturing cane varieties.
Location : LIB
Source : Revue agric. sucr. ile Maurice; 80: 44-46
Author : Jhoty, I.
Title : La cartographie de la variabilité du rendement: un moyen stratégique pour améliorer la production de la canne à sucre
Year of publication : 2001
Keywords : sugarcane; production; cost of production; precision agriculture; information technology; productivity; yield mapping; Mauritius;
Citation : Jhoty, I.; La cartographie de la variabilité du rendement: un moyen stratégique pour améliorer la production de la canne à sucre; 2001
Abstract : Precision agriculture, which calls upon the tools of information technology, is a new method of agricultural management that can help the sugar industry in its effort to reduce cost of production and increase productivity. By the techniques of yield mapping within field, inputs and crop production can be controlled to achieve increase in productivity. In order to ealuate the impact of precision agriculture, the Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute (MSIRI) has initiated a project on precision agriculture with yield mapping in the first phase of investigation. In this endeavour, a yield monitor with appropriate software was acquired. Yield maps for several fields were produced. these have clearly shown the amplitude of yield variability within the field. the causes of yield variability are in the phase of identification.
Location : LIB
Source : Revue agric. sucr. ile Maurice; 80: 47-50
Author : Ng Kee Kwong, K. F.; Bholah, A.; Volcy, L.; Pynee, K.
Title : Nitrogen and phosphorus transport by surface runoff from a silty clay loam soil under sugarcane in the humid tropical environment of Mauritius
Year of publication : 2002
Citation : Ng Kee Kwong, K. F.; Bholah, A.; Volcy, L.; Pynee, K.; Nitrogen and phosphorus transport by surface runoff from a silty clay loam soil under sugarcane in the humid tropical environment of Mauritius; 2002
Source : Agric., Ecosyst. Environ. 91: 147-157;
Author : Wong Sak Hoi, L.
Title : Calorific value of bagasse - an overview
Year of publication : 2002
Keywords : cane sugar; calorific values; bagasse; flue gas drying; rotary dryer; flash dryer; sugarcane byproducts; energy; MAURITIUS;
Citation : Wong Sak Hoi, L.; Calorific value of bagasse - an overview; 2002
Abstract : Fuel values of bagasse had been found as early as the 1920's to be influenced principally by the moisture it contains, and to a much lesser extent, by its soluble solids content (Pritzelwitz van der Horst, 1927, and Hessey, 1937). As cane harvesting oper
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